Rat Bike Zone Last of the Toe Cutters

It's a Volkswagen, son. But not as we know it.

Imagine driving down a quiet little country road in Kent, and suddenly you hear this noise. Then a big black thing appears in your mirror, gets larger and overtakes you. You get another look at it, and think: "Hallucinations during the day - I'll never ever take drugs again". But this one's for real. Pauls way over the top VW powered trike doesn't mess around, it's out to get you. And everything's street legal - spikes, skulls, lights, laughing gas, the lot.
This Trike doesn't just turn heads.
It rips them off then bolts them on as accessories.
Alik, AWoL magazine
And if that wasn't enough, the trike comes complete with a little something on the side: a ratty black moped, nitrous oxide assisted of course...
PS Someone told me that Paul, the owner/builder of that trike, has sold it. Supposedly he bought a chrome-and-paint late 70's Shovelhead chopper with the proceeds. WHY?

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Trike Color Photo ©1997 AWoL magazine
©1997 www.ratbike.org