Important Announcement

Hi there, I normally ride a 2002 Goldwing and ride with other guys with shinny custom bikes.
I was getting tired of seeing all of those shows on TV of bike builders building those stretched out and nicely painted and chromed out machines. I feel that they were really getting away from what motorcycles are all about. You know fun, some personal changes and riding them until they break and then you fixem up and ride them again. I came across Russ Mitchell's Excile page and liked what I saw. Raw machines and practical, so I started searching the internet and found sites on Ratbikes and said that's it a Ratride. Something that is mechanically sound but looks like it is ready for the junk yard, something that only it's mother would think is beautiful.

So I went on Craigslist and found this GS 1000 for $800. After looking at the bike I gave the guy
$500 and was on my way with my new project. It had been dropped at one point and everything on the right side was bent. I had to cut stuff off they were so bent and bolts ground down. The bars were bent the hand controls were useless, once all of the chopping and straightening (frame) was complete it was time to start looking for parts. We have a salvage yard here in town to pick from, what I could not find there I went to some swap meets and of course there is always Ebay.

The initial scheme was going to be silver and copper, After looking at it for a couple of months I change to appearance when I found this paint at the local hobby shop. You paint it on
And then wash over it with a acidic solution and it turns to rust in seconds. The paint has iron dust in it, I also ground up steel wool into the paint which gave the paint a real oatmeal feel so when it turned it made the rust look like it had been on there for years. On the down tubes and engine I sprayed oil on them to make it look like the thing was leaking fluids everywhere. I cut up an old patio table to make the side covers, hit a bunch of antique stores to find the coffee can. All of the new ones have a plastic cover around the can, that wouldn't last with a 4 into 1 exhaust system. I use my Android for a speedometer when I am riding any long distances. I just upgraded too steel break lines because the old ones would not retract the pistons anymore. Now when I ride with my buddies I get more attention than they do with their fancy chrome and painted rides. (Ha) The engine will eventually have to been redone because it smokes a little from sitting so long out in the weather, but what would a Rat be if it didn't leak and smell!
I am currently building a café racer out of a 82 GS750, again Thanks for showing some interest in my Ratride.
And then wash over it with a acidic solution and it turns to rust in seconds. The paint has iron dust in it, I also ground up steel wool into the paint which gave the paint a real oatmeal feel so when it turned it made the rust look like it had been on there for years. On the down tubes and engine I sprayed oil on them to make it look like the thing was leaking fluids everywhere. I cut up an old patio table to make the side covers, hit a bunch of antique stores to find the coffee can. All of the new ones have a plastic cover around the can, that wouldn't last with a 4 into 1 exhaust system. I use my Android for a speedometer when I am riding any long distances. I just upgraded too steel break lines because the old ones would not retract the pistons anymore. Now when I ride with my buddies I get more attention than they do with their fancy chrome and painted rides. (Ha) The engine will eventually have to been redone because it smokes a little from sitting so long out in the weather, but what would a Rat be if it didn't leak and smell!
I am currently building a café racer out of a 82 GS750, again Thanks for showing some interest in my Ratride.
- Charles