Hey, guys!
I was straightening up my bike shed today, discovered a full can of Gloss Black spray paint and began to add a long-overdue fresh coat of the same to one of my trusty (and rusty) steeds. Then it dawned on me; I haven't directed any photos to you rascals in far too many years! So - here is my 675cc Sideways Ducati Dirt Bike... one of my preferred backroad cruisers. It started life as a "GL650" (why did they round that number DOWN?), presumably with fairing, bags, trunk and all that - but it was long gone by the time this machine reached my hands. I didn't do very much to the remaining unit, besides change the filthy black oil, carve a couple of inches of foam out of the seat so I could slide further back, slap on a headlight from a 1986 Magna and "rework" those handlebars so they didn't aim straight at my ribs anymore. They would have been useless on the many gravel roads which I ride, so I simply bent them outward, and now they provide much better
Important Announcement

It's a very dependable machine - with nearly 55,000 miles on the clock - and I enjoy taking it out and thrashing it regularly. That engine has a SNARL which is reminiscent of the SV650 and the Bevel-drive Ducatis I owned in the past, but it carries one feature those bikes sorely lacked. And that is - NO sprockets! I have personally lubed, adjusted, removed and replaced enough chains and sprockets to last myself a couple more lifetimes... and nowadays it is so nice to simply leap on a bike and RIDE!!!
- Detroit Dave