Important Announcement

Here you go, this is my 1981 CX500 'deluxe' inspired by your most
excellent website, modified painted and severely hacked about by yours
truly. If this isn't the coolest looking CX you've seen it's probably the
lightest.As you can see I've chopped down the seat along with the rear
frame, removed the grab rail,center stand,crash bars,rear fender and part of
the front fender.I fitted drag bars and painted it with Rustoleum brand
Camoflage paint. The pipes are made from industrial tent /shelter poles
scrounged from a thrift store dumpster and bent at the local muffler shop
for free.

This is my brothers 91 XR250 technically not a rat
as it's a bit shiny but check out that custom seat cover. This bike actually
displaces around 260ccs with a Wiesco piston, ported an polished head, two
stage Uni filter and Supertrapp exhaust. Guess who did the paint....

me riding my chopper, a Huffy cruiser frame with bars
and seat from an old Sears 'spyder', forks made from parts of an old
exercise machine and the wheels are 16"ers off a kids bike.
- Ride On!