Important Announcement

This started off as a late model large frame vespa scooter that had already
been modified somewhat to include a functional coffin gas tank and pieces
of it already cut off. i had very little, so i started searching for all
kinds of parts.. with a 70's chop look in mind. found an ok engine, got
some shitty plastic for it, bodged on parts i found at a truck stop,
painted it a beautiful flat black, and voila, a true piece of shit
deserving of a spot on your site!

it gets better.. there's a bad short in the headset, somehow fucked the
wiring up, when its running or starting up, better not touch the bars or
zzap, the grips are ok, thats what matters. i call it my anti theft
device for anyone stupid enough to think about stealing it. oh yeah,
when its in neutral during start, no matter the clutch it likes to take
off if while im still kicking it
- Rois in Ontraio