Important Announcement

It started out innocent enough... a 1990 Kawi EX500. The fellow who had the
bike before me managed to take the stock exhaust off and plant a 2 into 1
pipe with a ZX-12 exhaust can on there. Not only that, but he removed all
the baffling! ''What's that you say? Could you speak up please? I'm quite
deaf, ya know. It's that damn bike. It never shuts up.''

Well, after dropping the bike a few times and cracking the farings &
snapping off clutch handles & turn signals, I said ''FOOK IT'' and decided to
have some fun with her. Patched up the faring with JB Weld epoxy and bought
some aftermarket turn signals... hey... wait a second... that faring kinda
looks like a shark's snout... (rattle-rattle-rattle... FSSSST) VOILA!

I went the military route with the paint scheme. After a little webcrawling
searching for info on military aircraft, I settled on the 1941 Flying
Tigers' P-40s. I'm pretty satisfied with the results so far. I'm letting
the San Francisco weather do the rest of the work!
- Ben in SF