I attach a photo of my 1976 MT10 Dnepr. For any who are interested I'm fairly sure it is an MT10, when I got it
I had the chassis for the chair but no chair so I run it solo.
quickly going front to back:
front mudguard = bit of scrap aluminium
headlamp = triumph tiger cub
handlebars incl controls = Honda CX500 custom
Fuel Tank = Honda 250 G5 (Paint by myself)
Alternator = Ford sierra or hillman hunter (cant remember which, with belt drive from modified damaged original 6V generator)
Carburators = Amal 426 monoblocs
Exhaust = custom off the shelf
Seat = custom off the shelf with home made rear pad and backrest
rear mudguard = different model cossack (but i don't remember what)
tail light and number plate = Honda 250
I have rebuilt the engine once when it blew a cam lifter and i had to drive it ten miles on one cylinder. The frame is painted in a nice shade of black hammerite and all of the wiring is to my own design. It has been off the road now for a couple of years due to a multitude of reasons but my intention is a quick rework of whatever is necessary and start using it again as soon as i can.
Rob Walker
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