Here's my old Guzzi, 145x14 studded snow pattern car tyres, car
rims dimpled & pierced to lace onto Guzzi spoked hubs, monoshocked, leading
link forks & floating calipers set to give anti-dive, left hand exhaust
extended to the right hand side, Watsonian Palma sidecar widened 7'' and
chassis cut & lowered to fit 16'' wheel, towball, battery from a Daimler
Double Six, rear lights from a Ford D10 (I think) lorry, all the electrics &
coils put into weatherproof aluminium boxes by the saddle, Honda switchgear,
Oxford Motorcycle Engineering u/j bearing conversion after the old uj broke
and smashed its way out of the swinging arm. Had trouble getting the first
MOT because the tester said the symmetrical head/spotlights made it look
like a lorry at night (and so what's the problem I replied?). The last pic
shows it just before breaking, 15'' car tyres for summer now
fitted and different lights and GL1100 seat. Engine/gearbox went to Mik in
Germany, chair to a guy in London, I've kept the frame.
Important Announcement