It's a 1991 Serow 223 dual sport bike, seen lots of hard miles-needed paint, thought better of it, lots of plastic-hard to paint, so I had a professional pickup truck bed liner spray guy, spray all my parts plastic-inside and out, tank, everything but engine and frame. I like it. Looks like a fresh asphalt road. It's been on there a year and appears durable.
I used the same type of stuff they spray onto pick truck beds to protect them. Not the stuff out of a spray can, but the real thing, polyureathane that out of the gun cures in 3 seconds - it's very durable, and if properly prepared will stick OK to all the plastic.
People ask ''why did you do that'' and I just tell them it's stuff developed for NASA, used in stealth planes, repels radar-makes me invisible to cops - they believe me!
- Bruce Vetter