Well ..Your site is great ....so inspiring .........
It would be fun to know the technical specifications of some bikes showed ...but I know it is almost impossible....
Anyway ...this is my ride 1990 supertenere 750 ...black of course
it all started when I lost the left side panel ......and then my girlfriend dropped the bike at the gas station.....there went the plexi fairing etc ......
since i hate wasting but like style and lightness ...that was a good excuse to get rid of some plastic that looks ugly and is expensive to buy ...
so my never ending project started ...from the aesthetics to the functional and performance ......whatever ......some rubber, some leather, a few cheap spares, a little bit of skill a little bit of cash an .....and voila' .....hope You like it
...next is the cockpit ....then brakes... motor transplant ...swingarm forks etc. etc. etc.........modify modify and modify .......never ending process ...........LOOOOOOOOOOVE RATTING......
Hope to get more inspiration from You Ratters out there
gotta go, Cheers
Pol (Costa Rica)
Important Announcement

March 2007: updated pics of my xtz 750; getting more miles and more rat.... keep up the great site!