Here are some photos of my bike at different stages. It's a 1997
Suzuki Savage 650 single, and my first bike.
I got it with 8k miles a
couple of years ago, and it now has 23k. I rode it in stock form from Denver
to Seattle to Madison, Wisconsin, to Boston to Denver in about 7 days of
riding time. When I got to Ohio, the timing chain snapped, but the damn thing
wouldn't quit, so I kept riding it to Boston where my folks lived and fixed it
up; it wouldn't go over 65 mph for the last 800 miles, even downhill. At that
point I decided I needed a bigger bike (one with more cylinders, anyway). I
loved this bike too much to get rid of it, so... it started getting
spraypainted and useless parts started coming off... I really liked the
tiger stripes over the stock paint... looked nasty... Lot's a' funny looks
from dudes with shiny bikes. Woke up drunk one morning and I was surprised to
see the rest of it was flat black. It's got a pipe for handlebars, about $2.
Aluminum seat, $15, as opposed to $40 for new leather so reupholster... Cherry
bomb & thumbscrew for some back pressure, $20. Only expensive thing on there
is the KN filter - $40. In the photos with the engine guards, the little pouch
is full of empty beer cans. I ride this bike every day... BBQ paint
works great on the engine and header pipe. Got more rewiring to do, too!
Thanks and best, Kevin
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