Hi, my name is Adam from Stone Mountain, GA. I have this
huffy bike I made into a motor-bike.... It actually runs
(really well!) goes about 35mph, has breaks and a springy seat.
I took the Ringset (crank sprockets) off an old 10-speed bike and
welded it to a back-break kids' bike hub nut then used the skewer
assemb. and threw it into a 16'' tyre, then added a 20'' 144-spoke front
wheel up front. I changed the tyre-side jackshaft sprocket to a #41 8-
tooth and used #41-1R chain to the rear drive gear. That solved all
my power-train problems. I have the matching rear wheel but I have to
see if the hub will accept the skewer setup I have (which IS
removeable), but that will lower my initial torque and up my top
speed. Also in the works is a twist-style accelerator because the
suicide accelerator I have gets a bit tiresome :)
Adam C.
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