Alex Bruzzo
Important Announcement

I bought this 1993 Suzuki Katana 750 with 32k miles for $800. Inspired by the rats and survivals and streetfighters on ratbike.org,
I ripped off the fairings only to find a beautiful black engine and parts! I just painted the tank. Then I found a helmet on the side
of the road that looked like no one could ever wear it again and stuck that on the front with some cat eye lights. I sawed off some metal
and plastic in the back that seemed to serve only as dead weight. I used a trailer light for a brake light and jammed the turn signals
into some holes in the sub frame. The fender, helmet fairing and some plastic on the side are held on with zip ties. The instruments that
I didn't throw away are held on with an old aluminum ruler I bent and screwed into some BBQ grill. All of that is held on with U-bolts
onto the forks. The fork gaiters are from an old vacuum cleaner hose and are zip-tied on. I'm happy with it now - just have to tighten stuff
as it falls off. I didn't paint the swing arm black because that would mean I'd have to clean it!