Big Fan, Stan the Man
Important Announcement

Im stan the man from Montello, WI.
This is my 1980 Yamaha XS 400 special. I bought it 4 years ago in none running original condition. Stripped it down and made it rigid. bought a trailer fender and cut out a seat pan. Then I took a door hinge and welded the two together, so all i have to do is remove two bolts and i can swing the fender forward to remove the rear tire. I added a 2.2 sporty tank, dog bone risers with broom stick handle bars. single beam spot light for a head light, side mount license plate, custom homemade exhaust, and a bicycle bulb horn. The first paint job was flat black with silver racing stripes. Last year i painted it olive leaf green. All rattle can of course! Hope you like the Yamachoppa!