Important Announcement

She's an XVS1100 which i bought as an inport in 2000. It wasnt long befor i got fedup of all the sicko chrome thats plastered all over the thing. Iv made a couple of rats over the years but they have always been older more knackerd bikes that where just askin for it!! Iv turned many an old peice of shite into somethin beautiful n ratty. As this bike was a lot newer an cost me an arm n a leg i felt a bit unsure if i was doin the right thing but wow i am made up with the results!!!

Shes taken about 3 years to evolve to this state, like most rat bikes theres always somethin new to change or an idea brewin in my head for the next look. All the bits iv added to her are hand made from things i find at car boot sales and then changed so they fit the look im after. Rat bikes are the true custom bikes of the 20th century, anyone [if youve got the cash!!!] can buy a piece of billet add on crap to make youre bike different but it doesnt give it any character like a real ratbike. I hope you like my pics.
- Cheers,
Paul / Rat Biker