Hi all at RBZ,
Ive been taking great interest with some of the machines you have on
your site, its amazing what ideas people can come up with. After
browsing for about two year I thought I would send you a couple of
pics and hope that you likme them....
This is my 1999 bandit 12, she used to be marron as you can see by the
pics but years of going to rallies had taken its toll and I just had
to put my mark on her.
Important Announcement

She is fairly standard really but wears a gsxr shocker, scorpion can,
wider bars, bar end mirrors and a jack up kit, all fairly standard
changes for a bandit, but the best thing i ever did was take a hacksaw
to her and then rattle can her black with green stripes, she is now
without a doubt my bandit.
I hope you like her and thanks for listening....
I hope you like her and thanks for listening....