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  Reading Lion Rally 2000
yamaha - click to zoom in This was the first Lion Rally at a new site, and in my opinion it showed. suzuki - click to zoom in Less people, less bikes, less everything...! Apart from the obvious Hardly Rideable SC (with the same bikes as last year) and Gipper from LUMP's BMW (which I didn't get a pic off but which doesn't really qualify as rat either) there also wasn't much RatBike action going on. Still, looking forward to next year's show!


Bulldog Bash 2000

dirt bike - click to zoom in v8 - click to zoom in I haven't been to the Bulldog for a few years, and was glad to see that this show still rocks big time. Drag racing (pro & run-what-ya-got), jet cars, big name bands and now even a proper bike show - what more do you need?

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