Switching to Synthetic Oil
Never switch an old engine to synthetic oil. It's OK to run synthetic right from the start, or after a full rebuild when all gaskets were replaced, but switching later will cause all sorts of problems outweighing whatever benefit you expected.
Most engines that have been run on mineral oil all their life, will start leaking through the gaskets left right and center a few 100 miles into the switch. If you're really unlucky a gasket will blow big time while you're riding along, dumping all the oil on your rear tire. Nice (not)!
And don't forget regular oil is a lot less expensive....!
Switching back from synthetic to mineral is even worse - I've seen engines blow up completely when switched from synthetic to regular oil.
Most engines that have been run on mineral oil all their life, will start leaking through the gaskets left right and center a few 100 miles into the switch. If you're really unlucky a gasket will blow big time while you're riding along, dumping all the oil on your rear tire. Nice (not)!
And don't forget regular oil is a lot less expensive....!
Switching back from synthetic to mineral is even worse - I've seen engines blow up completely when switched from synthetic to regular oil.
Eddie - Canada

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