Running a Car Alternator
Use a car alternator when the original blows up.
Power take off from points or electronic pickup point simply bolt on pulley using
a longer bolt. I mounted the alternator between the down pipes and the frame only
ensure the shafts line up. Gearing - I find a 1 to 1 ratio OK. Use standard pulley
on the alternator and similar from one liberated from another alternator on the power
take off. The belt type and size was worked out at my local industrial Belt, Pulley
and Bearing suppliers for a whopping £1.45. Don't try a chain drive they sound and
look mental, mine lasted 450 - 500 miles and then broke and flew off at 80+.
Cost £15 - 20. I now have 55 Amps charging power and 130 Watt lamp and spots! see picture
Mouse - UK

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