Cheap Long Lasting Tire
You want a cheap tire that goes a long way? Just go to your local scrap yard and get those mini spare tires for cars. They come in many sizes.
An expert remarks: The tech tip concerning using auto spare tires for motorcycles is dangerous to say the least... the footprint of an auto and cycle tire vary greatly... compact spares have limited speed tolerances..I s'pose if you want to end up dead in a ditch you could use a compact spare, but the point is keeping you and your bike on the road.
An expert remarks: The tech tip concerning using auto spare tires for motorcycles is dangerous to say the least... the footprint of an auto and cycle tire vary greatly... compact spares have limited speed tolerances..I s'pose if you want to end up dead in a ditch you could use a compact spare, but the point is keeping you and your bike on the road.

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