Advice given in this section may or may not be accurate, safe or wise. Always use common sense and when in doubt assume that any advice given herein is incorrect and liable to end in terminal engine or part failure and possible injury or death. www.ratbike.org and its contributors can accept no responsibility for anything, anywhere, regardless of cause.
Cut up your household appliances!
Further to Seanna's tip for using bits of old computer desk... the polished stainless steel drum from inside a washing machine can be cut up and flattened to make similar sidepanels, infills, seatpan (obviously with no cover cos thats sissy) and other blue peter worthy ideas.
Spotarama - Australia

Cut up your old furniture!
I recently found an old computer desk that had been thrown out, and the black powder coated, peppered with little round mesh like holes parts can be cut with Tinsnips into lots of dark-sexy things like side panels, Renthal fill-in's, headlight covers etc etc..... Lovely!
Seanna - UK
Back To Black
Use silicone boot-polish to revive faded black side panels on old brit bikes.
Jim - UK
Always carry some latex gloves
A couple pair of latex exam gloves are an indispensable tool kit item. They can be used to keep your hands clean during roadside repairs and double as liners under warm weather riding gloves when the wind gets too cold.
Leather Cable Sleeves
If you have a cable housing made from the wound-wire type metal with the metal cable running through the
middle....and you want to protect that new flat black paint job, go to the thrift store and buy a purse with
long leather handles. Cut the handles off and remove the plastic... more
'Jim' Carey - USA
Stay Warm & Dry
Coffee is a no-no for a warmup beverage, it constricts the blood vessels. Plastic garbage bags wrapped around your legs as cheap rain gear should not be allowed to flap around in the breeze or they will melt over the engine, which makes some bikes look even better. Don't overlook... more
Mike Worczak
Heavy Duty Leather & Fabric Repair
EPDM-rubber (1,5 mm) is used as roofing material. The leftovers are excellent material for covering (protection)or repairing seats, jackets, trousers or shoe noses. Just glue, stitch or tape it on. Available in Matt black with one side rough texture.