I have a massive Collection of digital Motorcycle workshop-manuals, and still trying to grow this collection. The best way is of course by trading manuals
The list (Excell-file) you find below, contains all the manuals I currently own, this list is updated weekly. It's of no use to send me questions
"do you have model X or Y???" If it is not in the list, I don't have it.
If there's a model you like to have, I'm more than willing to trade you for a msanual which I don't have yet.
Please contact me trough the mailform with your request/offer. Please fill in the exact brand/model/year and a VALID!!!! emailadress, otherwise I can't contact you with further information.
Sorry, you can't download them directly, they are all only on my harddrive, not online on my site.
All manuals are in .PDF-format and where possible also include owner manual and parts-manual.
Of course it is possible you don't have a manual for exchange, in that case a small Paypal-donation is welcome to ensure futur growth of my collection.