Important Announcement

Bought the DR350 a few weeks ago with it looking pretty normal YAAAAAAAWN

I made a few modifications so that I could live with it until I got around to sorting it properly.
As y'all know this was it's latest incarnation, a quick fix for the freeze-up.
Nice enough but not really my cup of tea:

The main things I aim to change over the next few days:
The seat/rear-subframe, if it looks familiar that's because I bodged it over from the Reaper (go look in the gallery) it's pretty cool but it's one seriously uncomfy bastard. Not because it's metal but because it's in a shit position and at a really f#cking bad angle. So I'll be bodging a new one from scratch.

The tank. It's a lovely tank, holds more fuel than the original and the shit that it's made from is about 5mm thick! But the height of the tank and the type of handlebars on the bike means that there has to be a a HUGE gap between the tank and the headstock to allow for bar clearance.

And lastly the front mudguard, for two reasons really 1, I f#cking hate it, christ it looks like it's go brewers droop or some shit and 2, It's going to do a shit job since I changed to a smaller front wheel.

Right then first off lets f#ck the handlebars off, I'll start with them because then I will know where the tank will be able to go and the new bars will help determine the look of the bike.
Nathan reminded me that I have some of these Jota bars in the shed so I'll use those.
Quick wave of me magic wand and they're fitted! juslikethat!

B#llocks now the headlight/rack thing looks sh#t.

on to part 2 >>>
Text and pictures by Nate.