Dont know if you remember me, I had a bike some years back now called Quosimodo, a metro powered bike.
You've still got pictures of it on your gallery from the Rat and Survival rally back in 2000
and Faro in 2001.
I've just been looking through some of the uptodate photos and its good to see you're still going strong. I'm living down under now, been here for 2 years now. Unfortunately its not Rat friendly here. Talk about granny state!!., but I have managed to do a mild rat job on the bike I have at the moment, an old Xj650 Yammy. I've added a couple of pics just for interest. Note the milk carton handshields and front and rear carry racks and obligitary matt black paint job. The locals dont get it, if it's not a shiny Harley they're puzzled by it , so I make it my job to enlighten them. I was going to build a trike. Ha!, forget it. You think the inspections tough there?, you aught to try it here. If its not a shiny bolt on to a harley or Goldwing they just aint interested. So I triked my ride on lawn mower, cant stop me doing that, ha ha . Anyway, all the best, keep up the good work,
Dave (Quosi)
PS, I called this one Baldric after a bike that was always my nemisis at rallys back in Cornwall, I hope the builder of the orriginal one isn't offended.
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