Cold Weather Tip
Oddly enough this cold weather tip isn't on the list yet...
If you are wearing even decent riding gear the cold will eventually git to you. I use gaffers tape but duct tape will work to tape your cuff, collars & zippers closed helping to trap warmth inside your gear. Also if its cold don't waste putting garbage bags on outside yer gear. Put it on UNDER your gear. Makes an excellent wind barrier & a cheap garbage bag won't last long or provide much warmth at speed. I actually carry rain gear & use it as a cold barrier and if it rains? well thats kool too. Tape your helmet vents closed in the winter too.
If you are wearing even decent riding gear the cold will eventually git to you. I use gaffers tape but duct tape will work to tape your cuff, collars & zippers closed helping to trap warmth inside your gear. Also if its cold don't waste putting garbage bags on outside yer gear. Put it on UNDER your gear. Makes an excellent wind barrier & a cheap garbage bag won't last long or provide much warmth at speed. I actually carry rain gear & use it as a cold barrier and if it rains? well thats kool too. Tape your helmet vents closed in the winter too.
CoffinDodger - USA

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