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Hot Water Central Heating
May be too sensible, but here goes...: a hot water bottle (as used to keep you warm in bed) with wire attached around the bottle neck, then hang around your neck, under two or three layers. Works a treat! On long trips use a vacuum flask to top it up.
Phil (UK)

Army Surplus for the win!
For cold weather riding I go with good ole' army surplus, they use some of the best stuff to keep troops warm and dry and it handles high winds well, also remember to dress in layers!
Grendal (USA)
Glove Repair
When the inevitable happens and your gloves start to fall apart don't stitch em' back together with anything other than fishing line! Tough as hell and will outlast YOU, let alone the gloves...
Jim - UK
HGV = free heat!
My tip for staying warm is to get behind a HGV in
winter! It's unreal how much hot air comes off of
those things.... pull in behind for five mins, then
blast off until you get cold again then pull in
behind another HGV. I did 200 miles like this - it
works a treat!
Wind Chill Remedy
Fed up of wind chill? Stuff a newspaper down your jacket in place of a scarf, all the layers insulate you from the chill (will not work in the rain....)
Daryl (Mad Max) - UK
Improved Throttle Grip
When your big, warm, waterproof mitts/gloves, slip on the handgrips and can't keep the throttle open: put a few rubber bands round the grip. This makes it easy to get a good grip and use the throttle.
Grishnak - UK
Cold Weather Tip
Oddly enough this cold weather tip isn't on the list yet...
If you are wearing even decent riding gear the cold will eventually git to you. I use gaffers tape but duct tape will work to tape your cuff, collars & zippers closed helping to trap warmth inside your gear. Also... more
If you are wearing even decent riding gear the cold will eventually git to you. I use gaffers tape but duct tape will work to tape your cuff, collars & zippers closed helping to trap warmth inside your gear. Also... more
CoffinDodger - USA

Sealskin Socks
Sealskin socks will make any shoe waterproof, I got a pair for backpacking and use them for everything. They're kinda spendy, but just compared to socks, not when compared to waterproof boots.
T Wing - USA
Old School Waterproofing
For waterproofing a jacket or coat -go old
school. 2 or 3 coats of boiled linseed oil (let
dry inbetween coats - will take a while).
Classic 19thC. oilskins - will stand up by
themselves. Interesting odor. Black oilpaint
works too
Stephin - Canada
Don't Drink & Drive!
Finally the best anti cold device of all, a hipflask. Be careful, not too much, just a little nip works wonders (until you get hypothermia, then it'll kill you. Ahhh! tingly fingertips!!
Bob - Yorkshire
Nikwax Cottonproof
To make cotton combat jackets 'waterproof' try Nikwax cottonproof. It's amazing stuff though it doesn't stop water being blown through the weave of the cloth.
Bob - Yorkshire
PVC Oilskins
Bright yellow PVC oilskins look great I think (bright yellow? BRIGHT YELLOW??? BRIIIIIGHT YELLOW????), especially when they're covered in oil and muck (OK that's more like it). They're heavy and stiff so they don't flap like nylon. And they cost about £10... more
Bob - Yorkshire
Waterproofing a Cotton Jacket
Want to water proof a cotton jacket, then recycle your bacon grease. You know that white crap in the pan after you fry pig flesh. it's waterproof and you'll be a hit with the local dogs.
Jordan - Canada

Goretex Boot Liners
Silverman's british army goretex boot liners leak very quickly, not worth £18. probably why the army sold them off as surplus. ex-Falklands apparently, an emergency bodge to stop squaddies feet rotting in the Malvinas' mud.
Bob - Yorkshire
Sheepskin Flying Jjacket
When I was a courier, I wore a sheepskin flying jacket, that soaked up water,
but never let it touch your skin, let your mum's cat piss on it for added aroma; also nothing looks better
than luminous yellow trainers covered than gear oil, rub old oil on boots to waterproof them.