Advice given in this section may or may not be accurate, safe or wise. Always use common sense and when in doubt assume that any advice given herein is incorrect and liable to end in terminal engine or part failure and possible injury or death. www.ratbike.org and its contributors can accept no responsibility for anything, anywhere, regardless of cause.
Blackboard Paint
Blackboard paint brushed on is loads better than any matt black spray I've tried. Takes ages to put on,
but stays on forever.

Rust-Oleum BBQ Black
I think the best paint is Rust-Oleum High-Temperature Barbeque Black. Excellent matte black; just spray on multiple light
coats and let dry an hour or so between coats. You can tell if you're spraying too thick or too fast; it starts to crackle. I
did my GS1000G's tank with... more
Plaster the frame, electrics, fasteners (nuts, bolts, screws and bits of wire etc.) with WAXOYL or any rust preventing
wax stuff, keeps water off ignition bits, connectors. Stops things rusting, corroding and being bastards to undo. Also goes
a nice matt gooey colour.
Simon - UK
Rust-Not Paint
Further to the tip on paint, dont use Halfords at all. The best stuff is Rust-Not, get it from Homebase etc. It lasts for
ever and is tough as nails. Available in matt & satin. It costs more but I wouldn't use anything else.
Halford's paint no good for plastics
Don't use Halford's matt black aerosol paint on any plastic parts (side panels,
mudguards etc.),
'cos the surface ends up looking like sandpaper! And the paint doesn't seem to stick very well either. Works fine on metal,
Stefan - UK
Rocker Guard
Spray on rocker guard with a Schutz gun. Easy to do, easy to redo, you get a texture and it goes flat after about a month outside.
Joe Friesen - Canada
Great (Dangerous) Way to Paint a Tank
Great way to do you tank.
Empty out all flamable fluids from tank. Then strip off all or most of the existing paint(or you can leave it on, don't know what will happen then) and grab a simple propane blowtorch with a wide tip.
Randomly heat up parts of the tank to different... more
Tim - USA

Turn Gloss Black Paint to Matt Black
Take cheap high shine black paint of reasonable quality. Paint your bike in multiple layers fast after each other. That the paint has just enough time to dry a little bit before each new layer. Then dry it in a place with low oxigen level. As a result your paint will be -Matt... more
Hide Your Stock Paint for Fun & Profit
I usually use musicians and roadies 'gaffa' tape to cover OEM paintwork. It comes in black or lots of bright colours, (Do stripes if you like) and it sticks like shit to a sheep. Or you can use plastic electrician's tape. It comes off easier so, if you need tape in an emergency,... more
Loobman - UK
Bumper Paint
I like to use satin black trim paint, also known as bumper paint. It's not as flat as good ole flat black, but unlike flat black, it doesn't have any flattening agents in it, so instead of turning ashy grey after awhile, it stays really black.
Paint with Petrol
Mix petrol in your paint until it is almost same consistency as good coffee, brush on fast. the petrol flashes off and leaves a velvet matt black which looks like suede. Professional paintjob straight on the seriously cheap. any bog stock matt black will do, dulux, valspar.... more
Mad Mossy