Advice given in this section may or may not be accurate, safe or wise. Always use common sense and when in doubt assume that any advice given herein is incorrect and liable to end in terminal engine or part failure and possible injury or death. www.ratbike.org and its contributors can accept no responsibility for anything, anywhere, regardless of cause.
White Paint AND Black Paint!
first thing i do to a new (to me) bike is paint it. i hate chrome and only clean my lite
and chain. my 82 cb 750 is now a puketrid ghost grey. i achieved this finish with a rattle can of white a copy of our local
paper and FLATT BLACK. i sprayed enuff white to run and rubbed... more
Spoke Momo - Canada

No Paint Required
Don't use paint at all! Just take all the paint off with sanding paper or metal grinder. Make it real nasty with
lots of cracks. For the best finish ever (besides flat black of course) just brush battery-acid well in the metal.
It will rust immediately!
Tjebbe - Holland
Don't use Paint, use Oil!
For me, there is only one way to get a perfect and ultimate paint. Dont use any paint at all,
instead use linseed
oil. This leads to many advantages: it looks good, it smells good, it works as lubrication, it is not expensiv and it is
not harmfull for the environment.
Petrus - Sweden
Rust under Clear
After many attempts, I finally came up with the perfect paint job for my 79 cb. I took a wire brush
attatched to a drill
and stripped the tank to bare metal, then coated it with clear coat spray from a can. After about 3 weeks, the rust starts to
show under the clear paint.... more
Carlos - Canada
A little polish never hurt anyone
Spraypaint the whole bike black. then, after a couple of weeks to cure the paint use Mother's aluminum polish to
shine up some of the stranger parts. Looks really odd to have a flat black tank that slowly turns to a glossy finish. Or
make all the cosmetic parts flat black and... more
Beemer Dan of the United Terrorist Motorcycle Cult
Underbody Coating
Use Titesele Underbody Coating (used for wheelwells on cars) made by Solder Seal. It comes in spray
cans and gives a hideous orange peel & ultra-flat color 100% of the time.
Black Earth!
for a lasting rat bike finish, use a can of spray flat black enamel, any brand. Then sprinkle the painted metal (still wet
and tacky) with potting soil, the good earthy black stuff. When all that has dried, a nice thick coat of satin Varathane,
and you will never have to worry... more

Flat White Shows All The Dirt
For a really raunchy looking paint job, try using flat white primer from a rattle can. The flat-white really shows off
all of the greasy handprints that will become embedded in the paint everytime you work on it.
if you want to have a real cool black bike just spray the bike with Dupli-Color body coating spray, it dries fast and
doesn't stick
Ben - Holland
Thinning Blackboard Paint
Like the guy says, blackboard paint works well, but add a spot of petrol to thin it, goes on better.
Bird Crap
When your paint is drying, sprinkle some birdseed or sugar on the paint for a real crap paintjob; also park your bike and
through some bread round it, the resulting bird crap will revolt other road users!
Paint + Carb Cleaner = Nasty
To make you paint have a very distracting appearance try spraying carb cleaner or WD-40 over a fresh paint job. It will
have the nastiest fish-eyes you've ever seen!
Red and Black
Take some red paint along with some matte black then while your header pipe is wet spray thin tiger stripes
(lookes really shitty)
Sam - Canada

If you own a matt black bike, you can make it older than that it looks by drybrushing your bike.
Use grey paint and use a longhaired paint brush to apply it on higher parts, very lightly it looks great!
Tjebbe of the Ragbak Division - Holland
Mouldy Old Yogurth
If you like mould on your bike, try throwing yoghurt on the muddy parts, after a while there are algae forming on your
suicycle!! Weird looking!!
Tjebbe of the Ragbak Division - Holland