Advice given in this section may or may not be accurate, safe or wise. Always use common sense and when in doubt assume that any advice given herein is incorrect and liable to end in terminal engine or part failure and possible injury or death. www.ratbike.org and its contributors can accept no responsibility for anything, anywhere, regardless of cause.
Hammerite High Temp Paint
Hammerite High Temperature paint is brilliant on exhausts (and anything else too). I got a nice
effect on my tank/panels by spraying them a few times with cheap matt black undercoat from my local
market (1.25 per can). Then, as bits flaked off I covered the gaps with black... more

Washed Out Lettering
If you have any painted lettering on your tank and want an interesting effect, wait until its a frosty
morning (or stick it in the freezer if you cant wait til winter, she wont mind honest...) then spill a little
petrol over the lettering. it will give an Addams Family ghoulish type effect.
Paul K. - UK
Black Board Paint (again)
I started using blackboard paint on my exhaust (I used to use Plasticote BBQ spray paint, it's pretty
good too) and it worked so well at not burning off so it kept the rust from eating my homemade exhaust away
and now I paint everything with the stuff. Blackboard paint is good tough shit.
Rex @ Ironage Motorcycles - UK
Halfords Hotpaint
Halfords now sell a hightemp matt black called Hotpaint - needs to be cured at 350c for 45 mins...stays on
engines and downpipes lovely,even the bits at the top where it always burns off.
Matt - UK
For best results, paint in the rain!
Get a non-black underground like primer, original paint, bare metal or something. Then wait till it's
raining, then spray flatblack, let the paint (almost) dry, then wipe of with some old towel or something.
You'll get nice spots, and when you're lucky there'll be even hairs... more
SkrooLoose - Netherlands
Truck Bed Liner
You can get roll-on truck bed liner at auto parts stores and k-mart. not cheap but tough and texturey.
also various auto undercoat products, cote-L distribution company sent me a sample of Durabak. Even available
in (!?? yikes aaaaggghh &%$#%&$$('','sacrilege!!) colors, some... more
Max - USA
Camoflage Paint
Rustoleum brand now has a line of camoflage paints available in green, brown, and black.This is good paint,
goes on smooth lasts forever and looks great, that is if you want your bike to look like an old tank. I
substitute thier excellant high heat black so I can use it all... more
Ed - USA

Truck Bed Liner
you want the nastiest flat black paint job,brush paint your whole bike with herculiner
liquid truck bed
liner follow up with a small roller for texture,wears like iron and is skid resistant also works as paint on
Paul - USA
Lime Tree Paint Finishing
To finish off your chosen paint job simply park under a lime tree for about a week, they constantly
drip this nasty sticky stuff which wont wash off and marks the paint permanently. It apparently comes out of
aphids arses and requires no effort at all to apply.
scott - UK
Fire, Gravel and Paintballs...?
For a truly one-of-a-kind, genuinely 'f* ugly' paint job, strip it down to bare metal (white or
light primers are ok, too) to get a nice metallic sheen...then, with the tank off the bike (AND EMPTY OF
ANY FLAMMABLE PETROL!) take an oxy-acetelene torch (with the oxygen line... more
Brake Cleaner makes for nasty paint
Before you start spray painting your bike, use a little (or a lot, that's up to you) brake-cleaner to 'clean'
the surface. Make sure not to let it dry, it has to be a little moist! Then you spray away and admire your beautiful
paintjob. The next minute there's nothing left... more
Ghousty Flat Black Grey Camo
I have always liked the look of painted over sanded chrome or stripped chrome with several layers of high temp paint
that you dont cook on. after you wear off the rubbing places repaint with plan flat black. It gives that ghousty flat black
light grey camo look.
Dave Parker
Real Thick Matt Black Finish
for a real thick matt black finish with loads of brush marks, try International exterior matt black. Just rub down
lightly and slap on good and thick wiyh a cheap brush!
Mick T - UK

Fake Granite Paint
If your not worried about blending in with your surroundings (like most flat black rat bikes) try painting your bike
with that fake granite paint (speckles used for painting lamp bases 'n stuff)...looks especially sick on streetbikes.
Multicolored Sandpaper Paintjob
the way to get the best paint job is to sand the tank down and paint it a bright blue or yellow (I did both) let
dry then paint it over with red let dry then over with blacklet dry then over with white...next get a really ruff sand
paper and sand it down...you get a multatude... more