Advice given in this section may or may not be accurate, safe or wise. Always use common sense and when in doubt assume that any advice given herein is incorrect and liable to end in terminal engine or part failure and possible injury or death. www.ratbike.org and its contributors can accept no responsibility for anything, anywhere, regardless of cause.
Valve grinding compound
Valve grinding compound (5oz tube @auto parts store) is great to put on the end of your screwdriver to keep from bitching up the screw head. Also a big help in removing any screw or bolt with a stripped head; it gives the tool some "bite".
Mark - USA

Travaco white MARINE-TEX I've used this stuff for repairing all kinds of parts especially plastics. It was made to repair wholes in boats. I love this stuff. You should be able to find it at any boat supply store. even adheres to wet surfaces!
Mark - USA
Cheap Long Lasting Tire
You want a cheap tire that goes a long way? Just go to your local scrap yard and get those mini spare tires for cars. They come in many sizes.
An expert remarks: The tech tip concerning using auto spare tires for motorcycles is dangerous to say the least... the... more
An expert remarks: The tech tip concerning using auto spare tires for motorcycles is dangerous to say the least... the... more
Car Ignition Coils
Car ignition coils mounted externally, the most reliable in the wet I have ever come accross. This modification saved me mega bucks over buying new coils after the orignal stopped working and the cheap (but still lots of money) replacements broke and blew the ignition system... more
Mouse - UK
Extra Noise
When the noise of your exhaust isn't enough to make heads turn, hang some chains on your footrests and make them touch the ground (be careful with your backwheel!) It makes a real ratty noise, and the people who will be watching think that your bike is falling apart! (maybe it is, I don't know)
Tjebbe Ragbak - Holland
Accelerator Pump Leak
If you have a leaking accelerator pump, it's worth a try
disconnecting the linkage! I did on my GL1100 and I don't even miss it. It still kicks butt, and probably
uses less gas.
Marlon - USA
DIY Oil Tank
Old spun aluminum kitchen canisters make decent oil tanks;
I call my '49 project 'Sugar' although the coffee canister is the front belt shroud and the flour lid
covers my clutch springs. I found that a potlid could be sawn and stretched into a chainguard. It might
be some... more
Cotten - USA

Gaffa Tape
Black theatrical >gaffers tape - very dull, very mean looking.
Great for seat detailing. (I'm sure you all knew that already... S.)
J Crea
Gas Tank Leak Fix
To fix a rusty or leaking tank, just glob on automotive tank sealer epoxy,
really thick, looks like a wad of used gum. Gives a custom look to any tank.
Can also be used to mount clips and brackets.
J Crea
Cable Ties
Never ever leave home without bringing along a couple of tie wraps. You know them little black cable
tie thingies. I used them to fix just about anything.
Wouter - Holland
Four Cylinder Fault Diagnosis using Oil
If your engine develops a misfire here's a simple diagnostic test you can even do by the roadside if you have a minimum of tools (spark plug wrench and a drop of oil).
Squirt some WD40 or a drop of oil onto each one of your exhaust header pipes just where they exit the cylinder... more
Loobman - UK
Running a Car Alternator
Use a car alternator when the original blows up.
Power take off from points or electronic pickup point simply bolt on pulley using
a longer bolt. I mounted the alternator between the down pipes and the frame only
ensure the shafts line up. Gearing - I find a 1 to 1 ratio OK.... more
Mouse - UK
Diamond Plate
Diamond plate aluminum, preferably from a truck running board,
can patch anything and works great as a fender. The scraps make good brackets and it can all be worked with a nice big hammer and a blowtorch.

Replacement Speedo
Don't bother with a motorcycle speedometer,
fit one of these new digital pushbike ones, they are available from only £2.50.
They will fit in a tiny space, and work up to 99mph!
Alan Bradshaw - UK
Leather Straps
Buy an old leather coat for cheap from a second hand store
(but not one that is rotten... leather should be strong),
cut leather into strips... use strips as ties on bike to secure:
wires, cables, oil & gas lines and much else... looks cool!
John - California